Thread: He left me
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:34 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Fandy View Post
abusive men will always try to intimidate you, it is also a form of bullying...don't let him. He simply cannot walk away from obligations. get some good legal advice and empower yourself.

who the Hell is he to walk off and just leave his obligations and support? you have nothing to be ashamed of, but he sure does.
I hope that you can talk to your family and tell them the truth about his abuse of you, I hope they will take you seriously. get with the DV center and a lawyer and make sure that you tell your family you have done so, in that action they may take you seriously.
Seriously, what he did tonight was so manipulative. *******. Oooh...leaving my wedding ring here for you to stare at all night. Jesus. What a tool. My husband did the same thing...just placed it there and gave me a dirty look.... Like I was the baddie...he was cheating and I confronted him. It's what active alcoholics fault, my shame he met some skank at a bar. LOL...that's the thinking. You cannot make sense of it. Best to take it as it annoying drunk person you once loved.

I am pissed right now for you. He knew exactly how you would react. He's had practice. He is messing with your head and nothing he stated is actually how it's going to be. Just remember that, he is trying to scare you into submission. You are NOT CRAZY in the sense of the word, but you are probably "crazy" in that you have been dealing with this manipulative tool for years. Gaslighting is what he did to you tonight. I've been there. Do not give him the satisfaction. He's panicking, you've seen a light in the distance and are reaching for it. He wants you in the dark.
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