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Old 01-07-2005, 08:31 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: CORDOVA, TN
Posts: 29
How I Was

Welcome to sober recovery There is no cure for alcoholism and drug addition two things will happen to me if I did not seek help 1.) I will continue to drink and drug 2.) I will die from alcohol and drug abuse. I am what AA calls a funtional alcoholic and addict I have my own business, wife, 3 children, house nice vehicle everything I wanted. But I lead a secret life of alcohol and drug abuse that i thought was not hurting the people around me. It took my wife serveing me physically hurting my youngest daughter on a motercyle, and getting divorce papers from my wife. That was my "flash of light" as the AA program says. I had been through recovery programs years ago, easy I told them what thay wanted and was out in 3 weeks, did not Attend AA was drink in 3 weeks time. I had to hit rock bottom to realize that I did not want to live like this. I am 170 days sober and have saved my marriage, but I was not concering in the begining about that I wanted to get sober. I had to get sober first then everything else through the grace of God worked out. I have been givin a gift from God I now share that with others in the AA program the answer is in those meeting rooms, and no where else I have fun in the meetings now we share How we were and How we are now. Yoy will know when it is your time to quite, but you need to do it for yourself and no one else, because when I go out in public the waitress does not care if I say no when she asks me if I want a alcoholic drink with my dinner, nor does it require an explantion as to why I said NO. That applies to my friends who drink and drug. oh they are gone; because they don't care that I am sober only that they need to be around people like themself. My point is I wish you good luck if you attempt recovery without AA, but few have acheived true peace and a good life without involvment in AA 1 hour a day is all is required, and a disire to stop to be a member. I spend years drinking I will spend a life time passing the gift and word of recovery.

good luck
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