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Old 07-14-2013, 11:57 AM
  # 337 (permalink)  
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Join Date: May 2012
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Jeni don't let a label define you or let it define how hard it will be to overcome. It's good to know what exactly may be going on with you. Then your path to self improvement becomes a little more mapped out. But don't let it become some sentence to doom. You can work with it with the right tools and supports and live a satisfying life because you are so strong. You are the same person you were before this therapist diagnosed you with this and that person is pretty awesome and has been doing really well!
Yesterday was nice. We went on a whale watch and walked around a little outdoor market. I tried a new cream sauce with dinner which wasn't too bad.
Today I'm having one of my typical can't-sit-still-but-don't-know-what-to-do days. I've puttered around doing various things with no real sense of satisfaction. Super annoying. I think it must have to do with my looking forward to the weekends so much during the dreadful workweek and facing another dreadful workweek looming ahead. Like I need to jam in all the happiness I can find because I don't get any during the work. I know it's my job. I know I have to do something. So I'm just venting I guess. Hope everyone is having a good day/night/morning.
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