Thread: Seeking advice
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Old 07-13-2013, 02:05 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
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I am glad you decided to go!

I think for some, making AA their life is the only way they can stay sober. There was a meeting I went to a while back and he said that he was sober 8 years and then relapsed. He was then sober 12 years and relapsed. He said from now on he was making AA his life.

I think, as others do, there should be a healthy balance but for some, balance is dangerous territory so they always keep AA on the heavy side of the scale.

That is what they know and what keeps them sober. There is nothing wrong with that but I think they also have to see that for others balance is okay and in fact that balance may be the very thing that keeps others sober.

This also holds true for the person that places their recovery on the light side of the scale and life and other situations are on the heavy side. That too, can be very dangerous.

We all have our own scales and we need to discover what keeps us balanced. I found if I take the time, talk to my sponsor and others in the program and honestly seek the answer I will get the guidance I need.

I hope you have a nice time and please fill us in on how it went
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