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Old 07-06-2013, 03:45 PM
  # 15 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: The Mitten, USA
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Hey KaytiP,

Some of the getting better simply takes time. Especially the part where we have to start forgiving ourselves. There are things you and all of us can do to make the good parts come faster. I think becoming a part of a recovery group is perhaps the best way. Not only is there support in person, good advice to be gained, but it's the most potent way to show your family that you care (actions louder than words.) They obviously care a lot about you, so I know they'd rather see you succeed and get better than see you miserable.

I also second calling the AA intergroup number if you want someone to go to the meeting with you. Not something I've ever done, but if someone happened to call me and ask if I would accompany some stranger to their first meeting, I would not hesitate for a minute.
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