Old 06-22-2013, 09:03 PM
  # 174 (permalink)  
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Gulf Coast, Florida USA
Posts: 5,731
Happy Sunday Everyone!!

Hey Everybody , glad u r here! Please join us in signing up for a 24 Hour commitment to staying clean and sober, then come back again and again. Just post time and location(optional) once daily..

Welcome to our Newest Members - juneprotty - mytimeremaining - sunya - jimv

Hey!! Look at how many days we have! Starting Monday will post those who have logged in clean and sober up to 30 days and then when you have hit a milestone such as 1,2,3,4,5,months, years etc.

jimv 4 days
juneprotty 4 days
BayAreaGuy 4 days
1stepup 5 days
joyousone 6 days
Ali123 6 days
PatS 9 days
Steven567 8 days
Tempebrenn 8 days
tired28 9 days
PatS 9 days
Iwanttobebetter 9 days
GreenEggsAndHam 10 days
mytimeremaining 16 days
4Surf4Life 17 days
Levitz 17 days
LifebeginsAt41 17 days
ChrissieB 17 days
Malachi 17 days
Freedom55 19 days
britgirl 21 days
Gilmer 26 days
ersatzmatriarch 27 days
Westpark707 27 days
ElegantlyWasted 2 months
NewHouse2012 45 days
SNST 50 days
calico 2 months
Sillyboy 81 days
Heartfan82 3 months
wehave2day just past 4 months
LadyInBC Just over 11 months
stevie 199 days
BarbieKen 222 days
neferkamichael 35 months
Grace2 over 2 years
neferkamichael almost 3 years
OneHigherPower over 5 years
yukonm - 70 months

Acting out on feelings

I could avoid a lot of problems if I did not let my feelings dictate my life .

How many times have I reacted to someone because I felt my feelings were being hurt .

Everywhere people are just blowing up, speaking their minds, they won't forgive, they hold grudges.

These are people who are automatically reacting to their feelings .

I can't let my feelings keep me from growing up .

It's not worth damaging my relationships just because I am letting my feelings get in the way .

It's ok for me to feel these impulses but I don't have to act on them anymore.

It's normal to feel the emotions attached to my feelings but I do not have to react like I did in the past.I do not have to give into them .

When I have acted on my emotions in the past I usually made poor decisions which I regretted later like saying words I could not take back or picking up drugs and alcohol.

There are usually some bad consequences to my reacting.

There always were consequences to my drinking/drugging .

Today I need to step back and take a break and listen to reason and then do what I know is right in my heart.

It seems to me that wisdom waits. For example I may want to tell off my boss but if I wait wisdom tells me you can't afford to lose that job.

Or I may want to flip off a driver, but wisdom waits and says Do you want to provoke road rage?

Or I may feel life completely stinks and want to give up and drink or use, but wisdom walks me all the way through that thought to the next day with the guilt shame and remorse.

Today doing the next right thing is a decision not a feeling. Today I have choices and don't have to be ruled by my emotions.

Those emotions will take me back to drinking/drugging .

Feelings always pass, consequences of my using may not.

*Song For The Day - Free Ride - Edgar Winter

Prayers for Heartfan82, Tempebrenn, trikyriky, Freedom55, raku, raja12, midlifrcrisis, medic61310 all for stength!!

Here's to another 24 Hours!Woohooo!

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