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Old 06-20-2013, 08:59 AM
  # 18 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by PeaceInYoga View Post
I have been and will continue to work on the anger...I want to let it go.
I know how hard this is. I am working on this too. Some days I really feel good and others days some emotions from the past come flooding in. I can't change the past and I can't wish or hope there had been a better one. All I can do is go forward from here and try not to let the past feelings create new feelings of anger and resentment.

It is so hard somedays, but I do feel it getting easier.

I am learning the second I feel that twinge of anger I stop and re-think and not let it ruin my day. I cannot change what others do or try and assume I know why they do things. I can only control how I react to it.

Originally Posted by PeaceInYoga View Post
I want to be able to forgive them for not knowing how to show love.
You don't really know that is the issue or problem. You are only guessing that is what it is. Again, we cannot go about thinking we know what is going around in anothers mind or assuming we know. We really don't know.

I drove myself a little crazy at times thinking why my mother did this or that and in the end, it does not matter. It is not only impossible for me to read her mind...AS TINY AND VICIOUS AS IT IS...I am kidding.
I have no clue what makes her tick and to be honest it is none of my business. When I look at the fact that in reality I have no right to assume what she is thinking and I have no right to base my reactions on what I THINK she is thinking then it pretty much seemed silly for me to continue to do that.

If you think about it. That is what they are also doing to you. They assume this, that and the other thing and are basing their reactions to what they think you think...Sound kinda like a circle huh?

Originally Posted by PeaceInYoga View Post
I don't doubt for one minute that they love me.
I am sure they do and I know my mother loves me.

Originally Posted by PeaceInYoga View Post
One day, if I continue to do the work and change myself that maybe I can inspire them to want to change and finally build a healthy adult relationship with my family.
It is possible. In the meantime the only thing we can do is what you said. Continue to work on ourselves and grow and hopefully become better people for ourselves and those around us.
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