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Old 06-20-2013, 07:18 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
I Love Who I Am
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Thanks LTD-

I can relate about the "rather work at McDonalds" part. I've got the same feelings towards and boundaries with folks who barge into the conversation and insert controlling judgments, accusations and ridicule.

When I've given into my Codie disease and behaved that way, it only embarrasses me later, but more importantly, it isolates me from my higher power.

I start to actually believe I know what's good for others instead of walking my path and taking care of myself, which is where I find my true power. although there is an initial rush of power that goes along with dishing out unasked for, judgmental advice, it's not authentic power.

I'd rather take the risk of learning to keep my judgment and advice to myself (cause that in and of itself can be pretty hard) so I can find out what compels me to be so bossy. Digging that **** out has healed me in so many ways.

The only thing I have control over, the only work I need to do, is on myself. Just me. The energy I put into it comes back ten fold, easily. So much more rewarding, and better for the Universe as well.

Wishing you the best too. I sure you'll sort it all out eventually, you've been here a good long time!
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