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Old 05-17-2013, 04:11 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Oxnard (The Nard), CA, USA.
Posts: 14,032
Quote=SB]40 some odd days ago I came to this site and started reading. And reading. And reading.
I drew strength from the experiences from others. I learned when others stumbled. I started the process of healing myself by reaching out to those that were struggling. I've shared joy at successes, and felt badly at pitfalls.
So what now?

Stay here. Learn. Come back here. Learn some more.
If you slip and fall--so be it. But come back. Be determined to find the real you. The one that exists without booze, or drugs, or smokes, or pills, or whatever it is.[quote]

Thank you for sharing your personal addiction recovering story.

I, much like you, drew from many strengths. Learning about CBT, REBT, AVRT and Zen meditation. All these learned skills will be for not if I do not put then to practice, daily. The "real me" or in my case my "original mind"[indent]This original mind is fourfold as Mencius called them 'four roots of the heart':
******** Compassion - The root of humaneness (ren).
******** Shame - The root of righteousness (yi).
******** Respect - The root of propriety and ritual observance (li).
********Knowledge of right and wrong - The root of wisdom (zhi).
Like real roots in nature these four roots must be nurtured first before flowers to bloom. So, in other words, these four roots of the heart are nothing but just tendencies of the mind. These four roots of the heart need proper nurturing and care to grow strong and healthy to manifest their true nature, which is moral virtue.

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