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Old 04-13-2013, 08:37 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 27
How do you Let Go and Let GOD

I am struggling with how to Let go and Let GOD......I am divorced from XAH he seems to have found recovery 3 years after our divorce. He has also found a new girlfriend who is deeply spiritual and he professes his love for her constantly on fb ( i know!! Why am I checkingnFB!). My struggle is letting go of the jealousy, and injustice I feel! I feel like why was he able to find God, find amazing love, and get a second chance so quickly..he hasn't been clean these past three years......he has relapsed and recently started working ,i think, his program. he has no relationship with his children but is being saved by his new found faith in God. i feel terrible for judging his faith. Who am i to know for sure, maybe he has found God. I feel like I have been faithful and always seeking God's will and I have followed my gut. Like many of you my life with the addict was dark and unbearable. I can forgive but the scars left behind on my heart can not be erased. I know I couldn't have a relationship with him because of how myself and my children were treated. I couldn't risk going back to him for myself but mostly to protect my children from harm.
So what is wrong with me?! Why can't I let it go, why am I resisting the present when I don't even want him back, I am so jealous he has finally made it and she gets the reward. I want to give it to God, I say I am giving it to God, but I still do I stop!! I am still giving my x the power over my life! And I want it back.......3 years is long enough! Please help....thank you!
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