Thread: Ugh. Just Ugh.
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Old 04-12-2013, 10:12 PM
  # 12 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 2,163
I used to be involved with quite a special guy .

And over a period of 5 years, his drinking just kept spiraling out of control. Each day, held it's own fresh hell. Each and everyday he had an excuse/ reason to drink. It was easier to isolate myself than to take the chance of going out in public and him causing a scene, or if we did go anywhere that alcohol was served I would end up having to babysit.

Evenings were filled with his drunken rants. He would repeat himself until I thought I was going to go and jump off the bridge. he would pick a fight just so he could drink more, Pity party, after pity party, nothing changed.

In the morning it never happened, as he had blacked out.

Truly one of the most out of control times of my life.

I had to get brutally honest with myself. I had to remove my rose colored glasses, let go of the hope of a future with this guy and face my today. Sometimes I was a little pissed off at some of the responses I was given here at SR.. You see, I thought my situation was different. I thought he was not as far gone, he could turn it around.

I was living in denial, and it was taking me down a deep, dark, black hole.

Best words of wisdom I EVER got here........... "If you met him/her today, knowing what you currently know, would you choose to be involved with him/her?. That my friend was my answer. A big HELL NO .

So almost two years later, he is still drinking, I exited the crazytrain, and am living a good life, a very good life.

Time to start taking care of YOU, my friend.
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