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Old 04-10-2013, 12:17 AM
  # 26 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: American in the UK
Posts: 235
Welcome Geek, you must have missed out the conversation about 'pumping and dumping' expressed breastmilk. Yep, we talk about everything here.... Jump right in!

Hi Daisy, how are you doing? Feel like you haven't been on in a while....? Good to see you.

YTF, glad you're doing well.

Sass, glad you are feeling a bit better. You mentioned you hope you can help just one person.... well, rest assured, you did. It was back on my day 5 or so, and you shared some words that truly made all the difference to me and helped me resist picking up a drink. You are a wise woman

Shoes, sorry to hear you were having a rough day. Feel free to vent all you want!

Trach, I love your saying about rose-coloured eyeballs. So true for me both figuratively and literally. My eyes used to be sort of pinkish most of the time - I thought it was because I'd had laser eye surgery, which made them dry, but miraculously they've cleared up since I stopped drinking! Also, I'm seeing a lot of things more clearly and not always in a good way - about my marriage, for example. Ah well, lots of things to work on and think about.

Have a good day lovely Marchers! xxx
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