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Old 04-09-2013, 03:13 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7
It is the by-products of alcohol metabolism escaping via your pores. Day 65 here and still an issue for me -- although less so than it was for the first month.

Despite being an attempt to manage it, taking vitamin B made it worse for me -- my sincere thanks to friends on SR for suggesting that it may be contributing. (!)

For some reason it doesn't make the list of symptoms listed for alcohol withdrawal on most sites -- perhaps they don't want to discourage people from quitting? There is an article on the web that sums it up well -- I don't have enough posts to post a URL (?) -- but if you google "5 things nobody tells you about quitting drinking" your will find it.

From the article: This isn't normal stink. If it was just persistent body odor, you could do something about it. No, this is stink on a demonic level. This is Stinkotronicus: Master of Stinkalarium, and it will make you do its bidding, lest it destroy you and all of those you hold dear. Showers do help, but their effect is very temporary and only seems to provoke it.

How bad is it? Another Cracked writer on the wagon (who posts as Yowhound) was actually kicked off of a public bus because of this ... in Europe. They've tolerated the French for thousands of years, but they couldn't handle one bus ride with a recovering alcoholic.

I drank hard for the last 10 years (including upwards of 2 to 3 bottles of wine per day for long spans of time) -- and gained about 50 pounds -- so I fear some of the by-products may be in my fat cells, and that the stench may haunt me as I lose the weight. But as I said, it is not as bad as it was -- and sooner or later it will be history.
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