Old 04-03-2013, 08:49 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Loughton, Essex, England
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Originally Posted by CaptainWhip View Post
It drives me crazy how something like marijuana is illegal but alcohol is not. Even tobacco causes more deaths than alcohol.

I believe in a level playing field. If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be as well. Marijuana is infinitely less dangerous than alcohol.

Tobacco is much more dangerous than marijuana. Why isn't it illegal?

I don't smoke weed or cigarettes.

I'm just a drinker having a rant.
They tried that in the states with prohibition, it just went underground. Anything that's a fantastic money-making concern is legalized by the government so they have ultimate control, ultimate power over the financial gain, same as cars, fuel, etc. Get a thing, substance, object of desire, whatever that the public just can't live without and bingo you have the ultimate power over the consumer. What better substance than legalizing alcohol,the ultimate mind altering drug, then tell everyone they have the the problem if they can't handle it, advertise it as glamorous, life enhancing, that life is ultimately boring and glum without it, then you can sell it to us suckers wholesale. The whole country is obsessed with it and massive denial of it. Alcohol destroys lives like all drugs.
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