Thread: Robby's Thread
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Old 03-15-2013, 12:00 PM
  # 187 (permalink)  
Adventures In SpaceTime
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I completely agree one cannot be their own higher power, and stay true to AA sobriety.

As for what the original boys intended, I've no remarkable opinion, but I suspect the AA program is even more effective today as a meeting place for recovering and recovered minded folk then it ever was back more then 75+ yrs ago. Is that from morphing, or was it always a kind of meeting place?!

And as an aside too:

It's a moot point for me, unworthy of debate, is AA effective or not as a meeting place, and if so, does this in itself aid in recovery and socializing whilst enjoying quick friendships and easy fellowships. Quitting is universally effective, and AA is clear about quitting drinking on a permanent foundation of abstinence. After that, its really just so much personal choice and all that which makes AA what it is, and always was: simply a step by step program of conditions to fan the embers of any desire to quit into flames of sobriety to stay quit, and therafter increase the joy and happiness of one's life thru daily practice of the 12 steps in all daily affairs.

Hmmm. With this aside, I'm right on the edge of too much AA talk...
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