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Old 03-12-2013, 05:14 PM
  # 280 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 2,308
CONGRATS to ALL the milestones lately - Lee, FP, HRB, Emily, I'm sure I'm missing someone, heck we all should pat ourselves on the back for making it one more day sober, no matter if it's day 1 or 1000....

FP I'm glad you are keeping a watchful eye on the situation but I must admit the fact that the police played a role in your first date is actually really hilarious It makes for a great story that's for sure.

Congrats OLL on your new camera!

Tanja, good luck with the trainer and I'm sorry to hear about your alcohol dream. I have had those from time to time. At least it was only a dream...

Jeni, I love you loads too!!!

as for me- had a wringer of weekend with a friend that sought me out to inform me she was done with our friendship. It really set me back for a couple days and I feel like I'm still recovering. It's more (all?) about her and not me but it threw me for a loop - I invited her to coffee casually and the next day she called to say she no longer wanted to be my friend. I struggled with cigarette cravings most of the day, nearly stepped out for some, and some booze cravings too, although not as strong as the cigs. And, really the booze cravings are not for the taste of it but the obliteration piece which we all know is a sneaky devil - as if obliterating would have made me feel any better. I am doing much better and made it thru being sober and smober (smoke free sober)
day 152 today coming to a close. And day 69 with the cigs, although I have cheated 1 or 2 days - I certainly am NOT starting that count over again

Also stressed out recently about a friend coming to town again in May, he is someone I've gotten wasted with in the past, and he let me know he'd be around again and asked if I was in town that week. I am doing my best to not over-think it or over-stress for now. I will probably find a way to let him know over email that out time together will not be the same as last time (which was my getting drunk with him and having to stay overnight in his hotel room - I don't think anything happened between us, because I was so stinking drunk and passed out right away - but I'm not 100% certain and I certainly didn't have the courage to ask him - there is a part of me that doesn't want to know.....) I know I woke up with clothes on and that gave me a great relief. Arg. I am not sure what to do but confessing all of this here helps. I do care about him and want to see him, I will likely tell him I'm sticking to coffee and try to arrange to see him at a coffee shop. i don't know though, there is a part of me that would rather stick my head in the sand and absolutely not see him whatsover. But I will wait and see how I feel.
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