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Old 03-07-2013, 03:57 AM
  # 195 (permalink)  
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Newcastle, UK
Posts: 571
Morning all. It appears I've been thinking i'm some sort of wild beast during the night. Woke up with a very bloody thumb, must have caught it somehow. So now i'm sat here with a huge comedy bandage on my thumb. Makes typing amusing to say the least.

Planning on getting some more uni work done today, knock my dissertation word count up a bit. Today I also get to see my girlfriend (fav day of the week). Planning on subjecting her to the football tonight and stuffing ourselves with takeaway food mmm I'll be at a week sober in no time, I can do itttt.

Hope you all have a great sober day. MY thoughts go out to all of you. You lot truly get me through each day atm. I read all of your posts, and gain much inspiration from each one.

You are all.......
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