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Old 02-01-2013, 08:01 PM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 557
Wow, I never imagined there would be so many people who believe it would be damaging to my child to take her to AA! I'm glad I asked!

Maybe it's a regional thing, but everyone I know in AA who has kids has always advocated bringing them, that it can only help them. We have kids at our meetings a lot (more so at noon and on weekends than in the evening or early morning), and it's not just because people can't get a sitter. People bring them on purpose. I guess our open meetings are similar to others that people have mentioned in that most people are respectful with the use of language (obviously, there are exceptions!). And our meetings are about the Big Book and the steps, and most people stay on topic and are positive and constructive when sharing their experience, strength, and hope (again, obviously there are exceptions!). We do get the odd emotional outbursts, but most of our meetings are pretty tame. And I would never take her and share something that's very raw or if I was in crisis. I've heard similar advice like Lexie and Tommy presented; that it can open the door for discussion and that AA principles are great to apply to family life.

And I totally agree about the disruptions. That's why I haven't been taking her lately, since she's starting to become more independent (for those of you without experience with toddlers, that means she is very mobile, very loud, and very unpredictable!). So even though everyone assures me it's fine and that they love to see kids at meetings, if it's distracting for me I think it must be distracting for others. None of our many, many meetings have any sort of nursery or child care, so until she's older and less disruptive, I've got to hit meetings when my husband can watch her. So unfortunately that means no meetings together.

But I still don't know if I will take her when she's older. I'm even more conflicted now! I thought I was the only one who had misgivings since everyone always tells me to bring her. So at least I know I'm not crazy in that respect! But I guess I have a couple more years at least to decide. I'm also guessing my husband will have an opinion on the issue, lol! He actually wants to take her.

If anyone else has any experience or opinions, I'd love to hear them!
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