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Old 02-01-2013, 07:25 PM
  # 10 (permalink)  
It`s ok to stay sober
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Central NC
Posts: 20,903
my wife attended Alanon and I attended AA during the week and we took our children.My son was 5 and my daughter was 6 weeks old when I got sober.The children went to the back room and stayed with the Alanons and on the weekends when we went to AA,it was speaker meetings.They learned to sit fairly still and quite.
It didn`t hurt them or the group because there was other kids there and they was behaving themselves.We never left the kids unattended,there was always a parent with them.

When our children was teenagers,we all applied a few principles of AA/Alanon to our family and they worked great for us all.

Our children are now grown and my son has a daughter of his own.AA has influenced them all for the best and my son still asks about some of our old AA friends.My only few problems i see with children in meetings are when they disturb the meeting and parents who bring them and let them run loose,apparently expecting the group to babysit them.
Also,a word of caution.
Always know where your kids are and who is with them.Make sure you highly approve of them.Sometimes some folks come to AA who may harm a kid if given a chance.
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