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Old 01-25-2013, 03:41 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Mar 2011
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((((Dee))))) I hope you are recovering quickly and painlessly from whatever has kept you out.

MrAverage, WOW. You poured it out? NICE!

LisaMum, 25 days ROCKS! I want to be like you!

Serenity, I'm praying that your job is secure. And if it isn't, I have hope that there is something BETTER in store for you. Either way, a drink won't make anything better. I went through a very emotional job loss a few years ago, which, I see now, is what pushed me over the edge in my drinking. I fell into a depression that only got worse when I drank. Since then, I've come into a career that blows my mind daily in how fulfilling it is and how the opportunities keep pouring in. If I hadn't lost that other job, I never would be where I am now. I hope this encourages you that, either way, it can be very, very good! Value yourself and fill your body with good, nourishing things -- there is enough toxin in the world and we don't to add any more.

I made it through day 2 ... now to live my day 3. It's been good. Going to bed early helps. (and it makes it easier to take the puppy for a walk at 5:30am ... )
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