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Old 01-23-2013, 11:08 PM
  # 116 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 222
Dee, your more than deserve a break! Enjoy it! Hope everything's good.

R4R, I may have missed a few messages, but how is your wrist?
Searching for the right med is not easy. One of my friend was diagnosed bipolar and prescribed Lamictal, but she stopped the meds after a year to focus on "alternative" ways of healing. But I remember before that her doctor kept prescribing different meds (including a mood stabilizer which was absolutely awful... no more joy, no more sadness, no emotions).
The whole thing made me very paranoid about psychiatric drugs.

I really hope you find the right way and get better R4R.

FreeFall I'm so sorry about your friends.

I am in Hong Kong, where we played last night. I've been sick for two days, and haven't left my hotel room except to go play. The good thing is that it made the AV go away! The bad thing is I can't even go out to visit the city.
We're flying back tonight, which is a relief.
I can't believe how hard it was not to drink these past ten days. It was like a huge 6-months test!

SBB, I completely understand, I really feel the same. Sobriety was really exciting cause it was new, and a challenge, but after 6 months it's not as exciting (though it's still, more than ever, a challenge)

Lately I've been wondering if I was really an alcoholic after all, or if it was just a phase and I could return to drinking more normally at some point. I guess it was only the AV speaking. Better not think about the future. One day at a time.
I met an amazing musician, who was drinking a lot before going on stage, and could still play and sing amazingly well. She was a very inspiring musician and person, but she made me want to drink so bad...


It's good to know that we're all experiencing the same cravings after 6 months. At least we're not alone!

Ok, gotta return to bed or watch another Sopranos episodes, I'm too exhausted. Sorry for this very disorganized message.

I think about you all, and wish you the best. Keep it up! It's a tough month, but we're gonna make it!
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