Thread: Concerned!!
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Old 12-14-2012, 05:14 AM
  # 21 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 864
Withdrawal is an incentive to use not stop. Its only design purpose is to get one to use. And how to never go through it again…Well one way is to not take an opiate again but that isn’t feasible all the time even for addicts. The other has a lot to do with acceptance. Being afraid is feeding the crazy **** in his head. If he were to accept that he has no control, this is how it is and he will have to deal with what comes, it tends to be much easier.

The biggest issue is one pill no matter the reason, just one simple pill opens all the receptors right back up and that is one of the biggest reasons he is having so much trouble. His recovery can be strong and so can his support system but the receptors are still going to be raging…there is no way around, just through.

There is this which is worse, suffering with the pain from the injury or suffering from the pain of wd.

There are other pain control options out there for certain types of pain. There are other treatment options that require work when dealing with chronic pain, to prevent or lessen the degree of pain during flairups. This could be a huge learning experience for him, maybe push him to get educated, plan and push for other ways because of how he feels now. There may be no alternatives at times, but knowing that there are gives him more tools to deal with life that can and does through wrenches into the best laid plans. Surely he didn’t want to be spending today getting operated on for a broken arm, I doubt anyone would.

You know in answering No to the last question it kinds screws up the explanations to all the ones before. It doesn’t tend to work until you find the acceptance first and put him aside. Work on accepting him as he is, in each moment and let the future take care of itself. It tends to a better job without our worry and interference and we miss less living in today and have less regret.

Personally, I would leave his friend as his support and get your own, someone different. I say this because I understand both sides. I can not be a support to both spouses if I am a confidant to one. It interferes with the dynamics of open and honest on their side of things even if know for me I wouldn’t speak of what anyone said. I just don’t. I feel the same way about attending meetings with, it is a huge no no ….

And you say you don’t need him to be clean for you, but you still want him to be clean for something other than just wanting it for himself. Check into that one, find the contradiction in it. Contrary to popular belief children do not need two parents to be ok … One healthy one does just fine. Healthy is an important word here.
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