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Old 11-30-2012, 12:18 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
box of chocolates
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Texas
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i dont even know where to start...this must have been soooooo heartbreaking and stressful for you. pregnant while drinking and taking aderall and yes she isnt telling you the truth. she probably drank alot more than YOU CAUGHT.
she only admitted to what YOU CAUGHT and then YOU CAUGHT SOME MORE.
the blaming is soooooo classic for addicts.....justifying and blaming and downplaying....
i know you love her and you have hopes for her but protect your son and daughter first...she has a long road ahead of her and if she can drink whilst pregnant dont think that holding her son is the reason for the change.....addicts will drink regardless. the change has to and is comign from her. it has to be for her.
yes it is not fair to have to walk on egg shells and go to meetings for her problem but al anon is what YOU AND YOUR daughter will need if you continue to be with her ...this is because she will not be their to support yall. yall will support her but until her mind is clean she cannot support understand or coomunicate with yall the way anyone else can and you and your daughter will feel multipiple emotions that al anon can help sort out. its about dealing with the hurt and pain with others who understand. you are NOT stupid and gullible.....ITS IS COMPLETELY reasonable to expect honesty trust love communication etc from your spouse to have a normal one to one conversation and it actually reach them ......This is just not the case but that we will believe it time and time again. you arent alone. weve all felt stupid one time or another because of our addict loved one.
my ah stole my pain pills after having our daughter and i too had a bottle hiddej which he too got into and drank. dont buy into the i was being nosy about YOU so i looked and found IT remark. she was looking for it to begin with.....just like she knew all well where you put your pills.
best wishes
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