Old 11-08-2012, 10:37 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 654
Welcome back Jerect! You shouldn't ever be too ashamed to post on here! We have all said we would do things and don't follow through with them. We have all known what we should do but do the opposite for whatever reason. We all need eachothers support and without a safe place like this to vent we would be a lot worse off!

Having him pay you rent is really smart. Even if it is late, just make sure you get it before the next rent it due lol. Hiding things in the car may seem like insanity, but at least you aren't supporting him while he only spends his money on drugs. Everything that keeps a house hold running adds up and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be supporting someone that doesn't even talk to me! If he needs things he is a big boy he need to get one less fix that day and buy himself toilet paper!

I am a recovering addict and my boyfriend that I live with is also a recoverying addict so I know how the addict mind thinks plus I am a codie and tried to "fix" my boyfriend for so long and I know how hard it is to take a stand. Setting up boundaries is the only way for either of you to be able to work on yourselves and get healthy. Well, you can work on yourself and get healthy since obv. he isn't ready to do that yet.

I hope you keep coming back and posting and saving up money so that you can be comfortable to leave! Him saying he would take the dog such shows how heartless active addicts can be. Are both your names on the paperwork from when you got your dog? Or maybe you can register your dog under your name in the town so that he can't take your poor littly doggy away. Addicts will do anything to get their way so anything you can do to make sure that he can't get the dog doesn't hurt. I even know people that put in their divorce who got the dog (I am a HUGE dog lover and made sure when I got my puppy that I was the only name so it shows I paid and she is registered under my name thank god).

I wish you strength!



Ps. Happy to hear you want to go back to meetings whatever you need to do for you do it!
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