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Old 10-04-2012, 09:57 AM
  # 51 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Feb 2012
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Bf: good for you, bf. I hope you get the book. Insomnia and anxiety kicked my butt however i refused to let it drive my bus and you should too!!

Orbea, isn't that truly crazy that all that was influencing each other and you didn't know it. Even greater reason to kick this crap to the curb as soon as possible. 30 ear infections is enough to drive a Mommy mad as a hatter! And make your poor baby scream. Thats a lot of antibiotic too. Do they still do ear tubes now? Superbaby has truly earned his name. I am going to start calling you SM for SuperMommy!! Let us know as soon as you hear.

I have slept three nights now without any benadryl or melatonin etc. This is a miracle!! have been apraying lavender on my pillow and sniffing it till I fall asleep. I used to do that years ago till it began giving me extreme sinus pain akin to any migraine i have ever had. Then I was afraid to use it. It does congest me, but it is sooo worth it. I wake up knowing I dreampt.and hence went to Rem sleep land, and that sleep is sooo much.more refreshing. Last night i went to sleep about 1130. Up from 230 to 330 but I didnt care because i knew i had off today back to sleep at 330. I had.not set my alarm. Next thing i know I woke up at 1130 AM. OMG. The dog was snoring next to me. I think the lavender mightve put him out too! Lol

My bed comes this Saturday. So i need to finish some painting details in my bedroom today.

Tomorrow night I need to try and take apart this old bed myself. It is an old brass bed that is fitted together. I think one bang with the hammer might do it. Haha. I will sleep on the recliner Friday night. And I will lean the mattress and boxspring against the Bedroom wall and they will take it.

I am replacing the fullbed with a queen. I have all new queen sheets and pillows i can't wait to use. I sure hope there isn't any trouble for them getting the mattress upstairs in this old house. The new boxspring should come in two pieces. The memory foam mattress should bend... I hope!! Aaaack!

I don't want to jinx it but I am doing better than I hoped nine days out from the anniversary. I think it is the sleep helping. And i am being religous about taking my vitamins and supplements. Not eating sweets still. And having made plans with my Dad for spending all day next Friday with just me and him together helps. And Saturday we will all be together. But when we are all together it tends to upset me. So I hope I keep it together. I am thinking of making some homemade strawberry ice cream for everyone. It was my Moms favorite flavor.
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