Old 09-25-2012, 06:30 PM
  # 19 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 462
you know i feel sorry for all the men in this world who are not abusers but genuinaly love kids. they feel on edge the whole time. but i do feel that there is a point that it goes overboard. my ex husband refusers to have his kids friends stay over in fear of this. he refused to bath or take a shower with his kids when they were babies in fear that they might say they were abused. our kids are teenagers now and the no friend stay over still stands, even though he has a live in gf. i do have male friends who do not even worry about this, they just live their life with their kids like any other family would. i think its a real sign of the times that people have to live like this. im all for protecting our kids, and talking about appropriate touching, and if something happens, tell tell tell until someone listens (these are all things i have spoken to my kids about on numerous occasions since they were 3), but for innocent men to have to justify their every move, thought, and involvement with kids....far out. so not the direction to be going. (i also talk to my kids about lying about people touching them. that this is not a game, and that lives could get completely ruined by them being vindictive, and how that is so not on)...im all for education, not fear.
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