Old 08-13-2012, 07:33 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 34
dragonfire is dead on. The question isn't really is he still an addict, as once you are addicted in my opinion and from what I've seen you are addicted. If you are still taking the substance in question then you are still in your active addiction and heading farther into the progression of addiction. Addiction is a progressive deadly disease. Sometimes it progresses slowly, sometimes very quickly, but if it isn't treated and the addict doesn't learn a new way of life, it's ends are always the same...jail, institutions, or death. Like dragonfire I've never seen anyone go from daily opiate use to social use or even appropriate prescibed use. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I've never seen it. I would suggest that you tell your husband his use is concerning you. I have to wonder if there is more happening that would prompt you to post on a recovery forum in the first place, as I have noticed most people don't reach out for help/advice until they're desperate.

I wish you all the best and I hope that you can find the peace you are looking for. In my experience once someone crosses the line into addiction, the only way not to go back across it is to stay active in recovery, and that doesn't include occasional use of the drug of choice. Encourage your husband as much as you can, but remember to take care of yourself. My addiction pulled down most everyone who loved me. Don't allow his to pull you down.
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