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Old 07-16-2012, 09:03 AM
  # 44 (permalink)  
To thine own self be true.
Join Date: May 2009
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AH wants his family back he told his mother, and that scares me because I feel like that means he will pressure me until I break or something, actually I don't know why it scares me.
I'm no mindreader but I've heard this so many times before from alcoholics and addicts. This is AH manipulating HIS OWN MOTHER. He is pulling on her heartstrings to get her to focus on "what a good boy he is, see how he loves his family and only has good intentions?" Can you see it? THAT is why it scares you. Because it is SICK. This is what I mean when I say Trust Your Instincts. When your body tells you to RUN, run. When your body tells you something is wrong (like with the pet names thing-YES!!! WAY TO GO FINDING ERICA SETTING THIS BOUNDARY!!) LISTEN to it. When you feel like throwing up, when you are flushed with anxiety over a single sentence from his mouth, know that this is Fight or Flight. And I've never found fighting with an alcoholic or addict to get me ANYWHERE, no matter how rational, sane, or "right" I am. You're doing GREAT!! Keep up the good work. So relieved for you girl.
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