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Old 06-24-2012, 10:51 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Congratulations on your three weeks!

Medically you are doing more than many here. I had several things happen when I quit drinking that were enough for me to have several panic attacks, and I never have had panic attacks before. I too had severe digestive tract issues. In the end I was pretty healthy considering my years of drinking and chain smoking. I not only was getting blood tests and had two GPs, my private one and my VA doc, but did a 7 day in hospital detox.

My medical advice is to continue seeing your doctor/s, and to continue abstaining completey from alcohol.

The experience I can share is this. I went through some intense PAWs for a long time. That was my body trying to adjust to no alcohol. I had pain I never experienced before while at the same time feeling like I was on a roller coaster energy wise and physically. I had a lot of energy and then more pain from my gut with wild swings in irregularity.

I am a guy and never was a hypochondriac but came pretty close to that line when I was in my first 90 days. So let's look at it this way. If you indeed have a separate medical issue, that you could not really feel or was sedated by alcohol, that needs to be treated by your doc/s anyway. Going back to drinking just exacerbates any problem. If it is simply PAWs then if you drink you are goingnto have to get through it again. Another thing is that if it is serious, it won't get any less serious because you get anxious and worry 24/7.

Hang in there with your docs, and post your fears here. I did and it helped immensely. I also went to AA for some of the same reassurances. While AA was not for me as a long term recovery tool, there are none better for my first 90 days, and for many even more. I needed all the support I could get, and wasn't shy about getting it regardless of having to admit a problem. It beats continuing and doing it as a homeless indigent, or finally getting to the hospital through the back door to the morgue, as so many of our fellows do.

You came to the right place, and are using your doc/s. We can fill in some of the early gaps. Go here to this link for information about PAWS:
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