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Old 06-21-2012, 07:44 AM
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Grateful to be free
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Ha ha, Zen, that is what I was thinking...that it would depend on how one defines sanity.

Humor is seeing the absurd in a situation.
I think insanity is denying the absurd and going crazy trying to make things make "sense" rather than being OK with how they are.

Self definition can get me in a whirlpool of WTF!?

Meaning..if I take on my diagnosis as the final word on who or what I am...I'm toast.

If I allow myself to be driven crazy by what I am not...I'm toast

If I allow myself to be driven crazy by some idea of who I, or others "think I should be"...I'm toast.

Today, I'm me, sitting on my bed, typing on my computer, thinking about getting ready for work. I am so much more than a bizarrely introspective recovering addict. I get tired of being "on stage" in that guise so much of the time. It's boring, it's exhausting.

It's a program running in the backround of my mental computer, to be sure, but it's not always what I have I my main screen.

Humor is the ability to see the absurd in a situation. Good thing we have THAT! Yes, yes, AMEN to that!
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