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Old 10-12-2004, 12:24 PM
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DesertEyes's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Starting over all over again
Posts: 4,426
Heya chess :-)

Originally Posted by chess
... Is it possible to get stuck at some point and just get frustrated at the slow process? ...
Well sure :-) I want it all _now_. All perfect. All fixed. No more problems. Ever.

In the real world it doesn't happen that way :-) The way it works for me is that I am forced to work on some piece of my baggage, and so I spend some time figuring myself out. I learn whatever "emotional reflexes" are causing my issues, I learn what my reactions are, then figure out healthy behaviors. Then I have to spend some time _practicing_ my new behaviors until they become habits. Eventually, I don't have to think about it anymore. The behaviors become ingrained and I can thank my HP for saving my a$$ one more time.

If I try to fix too much, I goof it all up. There's a limit to how much stuff I can handle all at once. (Last year or so I've been way over my limit, that's just the way it goes sometimes) So what happens with me is that I'll go into these "flat spots" where I'm just coasting on the previous burst of self-fixing and making sure that my new found behaviors get cemented in good and solid.

Originally Posted by chess
... I have read most of them and some more than once and now I feel that I'm taking steps back...
I know that feeling. If I stay in my "flat spot" too long I get exactly that feeling. The flat spot becomes a rut. So maybe it's time to do something different. How about real life meetings? Have you checked out all the ones in your area? If there aren't any you could always start your own ( I think I may have mentioned this before :-) The idea is to share your experience, strength and hope face to face. Works great for me, perhaps it'll work for you :-)

Originally Posted by chess
... why is it so much easier to spot these little dysfunctions in oneself but so hard to do anything about them? ...
<lol> Easy? Never been easy for me! I have to go to meetings, see a shrink, get a sponsor and otherwise have it shoved in my face before I go "Ohhhhhh, so if I quit sticking my hand in the fire it will quit hurting, why didn't _I_ think of that!".

Hard? Because it hurts. It's scary and painful for me to step out of my comfortable little rut. Never mind that the rut is filled with mud and slimy things. But once I get out it feels _great_. That's why it helps me so much to reach out to the newcomers, it reminds me in a clear and direct manner what will happen to me if I stay in my rut.

Whadya think?

Originally Posted by chess
... Today is a good day, lets cruise ...
You got it! Boss just stepped out for lunch so I'm cranking up the music and dancing while I work <lol>

Mike :-)
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