Old 06-07-2012, 02:02 PM
  # 8 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 82
I didn’t mean to offend anyone. If I used the wrong choice of words then I apologize. Im not used to dealing with anything to do with drugs, or people that are family of drug addicts.

I don’t have contempt for the girl that died. I feel sorry for her, and her family. I really do. But Im scared my boyfriend will be blamed for something that he didn’t have anything to do with. I feel like unless my boyfriend was injecting her with drugs then I don’t think it is his fault what happened. I guess she was torn up he left and she did too many drugs. Its all very sad.
I didn’t mean to insult anyone, especially anyones mother. I mean I have read on here for a few days now and I mostly I don’t see a lot of pity for the addicts. Families on here seem to walk away from the addict and accept they could die. At least from what I read that is how it came across to me. But of course I cant know whats in anyones heart and Im again very sorry if I was offensive.

I came here for help and to understand about addiction, family. I am naïve I admit that. My bioyfriend doesn’t use drugs anymore so I didn’t think I had to worry about any of this stuff. And he told me about this girl a long time before any of this came up. He wouldn’t have had any reason to lie to me. This is all more than I can deal with almost, people dying, drugs, police. Its scary and I just thought someone might be able to help me understand and cope with this.

What do you mean there is maybe more to this? Like he is lying to me and is more involved than he admitted?
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