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Old 04-11-2002, 07:02 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: phoenix az
Posts: 11
Hello nut_meg. I suffer from bipolar II, i guess that it is a less severe bipolar or something. I am currently on 900mg of lithium everyday. I've been on a number, and I mean A LOT, of meds before that but none have worked except this one. I am also on Klonopin but don't take it anymore, it REALLY helps but can be addictive so I don't take it unless very neccesary. At first I hated the Lithium because it made me all lazy and zombie like so I would take them on and off. I decided to actually give it a try when I was down in the slumps though..spending all my money, purchasing ungodly amounts of cocaine and pain killers, no real place to call a home, you get the picture. That was three years ago. Now I wake up not having to worry how my moods are going to bounce up and down or the drug abuse. Happy to have a place to call home with my girlfriend, happy to be a part of society. I used to HATE life. Lithium has made me at least feel like a normal human being and I would not give that away for anything. I love life now and cherish every second of it. Just because you have bipolar does not mean that you are hopeless because there is a shinning light out there for everyone. NEVER give up, bipolar is something that has to be treated medically, but I think that your life is worth it.

Nut_meg, give me a little background and we can talk. I can even try to help you out, I have had to deal with this disorder for almost 10 years now. Hope to se you around

All my support,
joeyf1232002 is offline