Old 05-07-2012, 11:46 AM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 164
Just a random though... You and I both seem to be alike. I worry about the exact same things you do, but I have found a way to get rid of the anxiety of not living up to my own goals. Just like with drinking, break down your life goals into daily objectives. Instead of worrying about if you get that promotion months or years from now - just focus on what you need to do today to reach that goal. If at the end of the day you make that one small step closer to your goal, then you are successful. We only live in the moment, and our ultimate success is a result of our actions in the present. Keep things simple.

Originally Posted by rc4dt1 View Post
Yes I am in counseling. Actually just met with my therapist and we are increasing the sessions. His assessment is that I spend a lot of time alone and that I am a very deep thinker. It's true, I tend to put a lot of weight on every part of my life. Like, if I don't work out every day then I am going to be unattractive and unhealthy; if I don't give a good presentation today at work I am not going to be a worthy consideration for advancement; if I don't follow what my dream is I am destined to be unhappy... and then: How can I make sure all of these things happen. And I rack and rack my brain trying to find a solution. All of this I do alone... thinking by myself.

I have a psychology degree so I actually enjoy and feel like I am good at thinking. I like philosophy and feel that if I can apply a lot of the discoveries that my life can be very fulfilling. I try to be very spiritual as well but even with that I am very critical.

Anyway, yeah, increased counseling is in order.
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