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Old 04-15-2012, 12:15 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Ontario Canada
Posts: 202
My Alcohol Involved Dream Last Night.

It's been in my head all day today and decided to share it here on

Last night I was dreaming that I picked up again. There were no signs of me wanting to quit. It was like I left off from where I stopped 8 months ago. But I had moved back to my family home in the dream and it was during the day when this dream started. I knew it wasn't all real because my co-worker who so happened to be in my dream doesn't drive and for some reason he was driving a yellow school bus :S It was just him, myself and some person I dont know in real life. It's summer time and its a warm day out because we have the drivers window open and we're sweating a bit. So my friend is driving us up to the little town where we work and theres only the one grocery store up there

(I won't be using town names and peoples names because of anonymity reasons)

So we're chatting and it's not clear because I'm sort of just staring out of the window standing beside my co-worker whose in the drivers seat. I believe my mind is occupied whether I want to stop to the liquor store so I shake my head out of my trance and say to my co-worker "Hey man, you're going right by the grocery store and liquor store right?" He nods slowly and looks at me with his eyes glaring at me sort of knowing what I was thinking. "Yeah why?" I tell him why and he he shakes his head no and he is muttering and I tell him it's none of his business what I do and he snickers and says okay. Within a few minutes he stops at the red light by the grocery store and liquor store and I hop out and tell him to come get me within 20 minutes and he speeds away. Smiling I walk proudly to the liquor store and start grabbing hard liquor bottles and beers and pay for them and start chugging them back before my friend can pick me up. As I start to get a bit drunk I walk over to where he dropped me off by the traffic lights and I see him zoom on by and I'm yelling at him to stop. He keeps driving for another 10 seconds then with clumsy driving skills pulls over to the left side of the road. I'm shaking my head at his driving and start jogging over with all my bottles in my backpack and then he decides to drive away AGAIN. I'm screaming at him to stop and he drives again for about 10 seconds then stops. Of course in a dream I was not tired and I was able to keep up with the bus when he finally pulled over. Then for some reason him and this other guy I don't know in real life jump out of the bus and they start chucking rocks at me at dangerous inhuman speeds! Im yelling at him to stop and ask why he's trying to hurt me. When I finally get to them he's screaming at me that I shouldn't be drinking because it'll kill me and I'm trying to calm him down and he shoves me down. I try to get back up but my legs won't move! He's saying something like "I told you this would happen! Now you can't walk anymore because your body is too damaged from the alcohol abuse intake!" Then I wake up.

I was relieved it was a dream because for a bit, it felt real. So real. because when I do think about when I was drinking a year ago today and for 5 more months last year it was like a dream. None of it seemed real because I wasn't living a real life. I kept drinking all the time, promised to stop and never did. I'd go to meetings buzzed because I'd plan on a party with my drinking friend then he'd predrink and be buzzed by the time I got back and then proceed to get plastered. The foggy memories I have living on my own for 5 months were that of times when I was either hung over or actually sober for awhile but living with the obsession of arguing with my own addiction of wanting to drink again. I'd say I didn't have as much sober time as I had drunk time. And now... Since I've been 8 months sober. I can't imagine myself being drunk again.... for today only though. I don't look towards the distant future anymore. lol I remember my mother asking me if I'd feel ready to move out again within this year and I thought about the end of 2012 and my brain was overwhelmed. I haven't thought that way in so long. So when she saw my face and my answer wasn't really one she told me that it was still too early to answer. I lived by one day at a time for these past 8 months and it's all that seems to work for me now. So every day has been a NEW day for me. Each day is different and I love it! Thanks for reading my post

So why not have some interesting stories of drinking dreams and then waking up being thankful it wasn't real. Let's hear yours, the readers.

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