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Old 03-15-2012, 04:03 PM
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Striving to be a better Man!
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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Bitter Friends and Family..

I see so many people giving advice to give up on the addict/alcoholic. They tell these weak and broken people looking for support that it will never get better and there is no hope and that their doomed if they try to work through these problems with their SO. Seems to me these people are very bitter and since things didn't work out for them it wont work out for anyone else. This is a very selfish and limited outlook.
I am a recovering alcoholic who has been through a seperation with my gf, I am sober and we are doing just fine. She was told to give up on me by people in SR. Well we sorted our problems and we are stronger than ever. What would have happened if either of us had listened to the advice of some jaded people here?
I guess what I am saying is how many relationships have ended because of bad advice from people who probably shouldn't have been with their sig other in the first place, regardless of drugs and alcohol.
I see sharing experience but to give this sort of ADVICE is just wrong.

I pray for you all to find happiness whether you are the friend or family of an addict/alcoholic or are the addict/alcoholic yourself. Anything is possible with work and desire.
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