Thread: AA vs. RR/AVRT
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Old 03-12-2012, 09:20 AM
  # 55 (permalink)  
Terminally Unique
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by langkah View Post
So to correct this misconception then the fight-fight is not done by oneself at all but instead by one's inner Beast which is not actually the person involved or at least not the entire sum of the person, being maybe just the primitive part of the person trying not to drink.
No, the primitive part of the brain is trying TO drink, not trying NOT to drink. Fortunately, it can't control my arms and legs to reach for that wallet, pay for that drink, open the hatch, and pour it in. All it can do is use the AV to try and sucker me into a useless conversation, but I know better than to engage. The times I have engaged, the AV has readily played both sides of the same argument, which leads me to believe that the Beast ultimately doesn't care what the the AV says, or even if it's true, so long as it supports drinking.

Originally Posted by langkah View Post
But that fight to drink is then expressed by the AV as an entirely human voice, in your thoughts, in your mind's eye, fighting to press the drinking issue favorably. I knew someone was fighting very hard in there somewhere.
That's right, the Beast is a Dry Drunk, perpetually miserable, depressed, and jonesing for a drink. I rather enjoy watching it suffer, though, much as I imagine a cat does with a mouse it bats around effortlessly.

Originally Posted by langkah View Post
Out of curiosity, when the AV is talking for the Beast in a human voice, is it a voice we recognize? How awful would it be to hear Robin Williams or George Dubya chattering away continually aduring us to drink, pimping for the inner Beast.
It can be a 'human' voice, and it most often is, but it can just as easily be an image instead. Fortunately, it sounds like me, and not Robin Williams or George Dubya. That would indeed be scary.
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