Old 01-14-2012, 10:58 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 9
Thanks so much to each of you for responding and/or sharing your experience. It calms and soothes me when I read them. I went to the meeting tonight! Though I accidentally was at an AA meeting, and not an Al-Anon meeting. They were super nice about it though, and showed me the room the Al-Anon meetings are in, and gave me a schedule for those.

I also talked with my bf before and after the meeting. He was sober, and only remembered some of the events from the past couple of days. We are negotiating boundaries. He suggested the new boundary that I put should be that I have no contact with him when he is drinking. (Since I told him I know I can't ask him to control his behavior while he's drunk.) This seems good to me, so we are going to move forward with that plan. He is going to continue his counseling, and is now seriously considering AA, or some other similar program to augment the counseling. I told him what the meeting was like, and he thought it sounded very helpful.

He is going to continue working on himself, and I will continue to work on myself. (For that's the only person I can work on.) We will have contact during healthy times, and not when he is drinking. We both feel this will be a very good boundary for us. Rome wasn't built in a day.
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