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Old 01-08-2012, 03:20 AM
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Sunny27's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland
Posts: 379
Hello warmbread

I too loved your post. Thank you for posting it. I amon Day 8 and your post really resonated with me.

I too feel as if the fog is clearing and I am about to enter the real world again.

It's the little things I am doing that are catching me as well... like making a shopping list of things I need to buy and then going and getting them. Of budgeting and making my finances an important thing instead of not caring.

Reading a book and thoroughly enjoying it (I have a load of books by Anita Shreve that I have bought over the years but never got into or finished because my attention span was shot or I had no motivation).

I've made plans to meet a friend today for coffee instead of going for a few wines in the local pub that will probably lead to me buying a bottle of the stuff on the way home.

I was out last night and spend €10. I was out from 9pm to 1am. I love knowing there is still money in my purse and I didn't go to an ATM because I had run out.

All the best warm bread on your journey. I look forward to getting to where you are and feeling even better.

Sunny xx

PS. You have made me hungry
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