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Old 11-20-2011, 06:09 PM
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: WI
Posts: 228
Originally Posted by TylerDurden View Post
I know you've felt it. The Urge! I say I am going to quit, and I will be fine for the next few days, possibly even a week. However, eventually that urge will strike, and it is the most powerful being in the entire universe. How do I fight it? When I say I am going to quit, and I really mean it, how do I follow through and fight the urge when it strikes?
Thankfully, the urge to drink was removed some time ago. When it did occur, one sure fire way for me to see it disappear was to get out of myself. Get ahold of someone and take an interest in what they were doing. Was there anything I could help them with? Generally I had at least one person in my life who had an issue they were dealing with so I would make contact with them. Or, I would share my experience with others who suffer from alcoholism. Share with them the things I did to avoid the drink.

Now, it has been quite awhile since the urge has appeared. I continue to share my experience with others, and show them precisely how I recovered, and alcoholism has ceased to be an issue in my life. Almost as if it doesn't even exist. Pretty miraculous in my book.
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