Old 09-02-2004, 07:04 AM
  # 2 (permalink)  
an addict named Mike
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Posts: 188
Try to find some other people in recovery who have the same interests and hobbies as yourself. Try to avoid people, places and things you associate with using, because in order to get Fu%ked, first you have to get into position!! I like going out to clubs sometimes. I love to DJ and mix beats, and I have found some other people in recovery who also share this interest, so we get together and spin vinyl together and even go out to clubs TOGETHER on occasion. The way to stay positive in recovery is to feed yourself positive things. If you ever wonder why your appetite calls for something, just take a look at what you're feeding yourself!! Find some sort of activity to help you grow and help you feel better about yourself. Music is definately a great therapy, but most people in that scene are not trying to stay clean a day at a time. If you arn't in NA yet, check out some meetings in your area at www.na.org, and get with some people there to give you some suggestions or to hang with. It may be easy to say no the first ten times, but what about when you are in a bad mood or are in a negative mindset??? You never know.
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