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Old 09-01-2004, 12:47 PM
  # 5 (permalink)  
Getting busy living!
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Worcester MA
Posts: 199
Hi Danielle,

Yes, I've been there but it wasn't a hard thing for me to do unlike you. Of course, I had lived with it for 16 years. I did try to do it at 10 years but couldn't. I guess all I really have to say is that if he doesn't stop drinking for good it will never get any better than it is right now and chances are it will only get worse. You didn't mention children. Adding them to the mix does not make it better, it makes it much worse. You obviously still love your husband. That's good in a way. If he does straighten out then possibly you can get back together. As for me, by the time I told my ex to leave there was not a single shred of love for him left. Being told over and over again that you are a failure as a human being, as a mother, and as a wife certainly does not make the heart grow fonder! Remember, no matter how much you love someone you should always love yourself just a little bit more.

Take care and good luck,

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