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Old 09-01-2004, 12:02 PM
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Danielle G.
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Alexandria, VA
Posts: 13
In need of support

My husband is moving out this weekend - he's an alcoholic. We've been married for almost 2 years. He's been out of rehab for 2 months and relapses every week or two weeks. He's trying to stay sober and doesn't want to drink...but he does. He got drunk this past Friday and when I got home from work, he started in on his usual tirade of insults (which he only does when he is drunk). I've been dealing with this for the last 18 months and I've finally had enough. I told him to move out. He's found an apartment and is moving out this weekend. The problem? I know he has to leave to get better, but I didn't realize it was going to be this hard. He's hurting, I'm hurting. I'm at work and all I want to do is cry. There is no other option, but for him to leave. Still it's hard -really, really hard. Is there someone who has gone through this that can offer some support? Thanks for listening. Danielle G.
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