Thread: What is this?
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Old 10-08-2011, 09:25 PM
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What is this?

I was reading a post below about wet brain and wanted to see if anyone knew "what" this was, as it seems similar but I don't think it is the same:

In the past couple of years or so, when I would go on my binges, a few days into it I would feel really manic. I couldn't remember what day it was and would start laughing uncontrollably about things that weren't really funny - but not really in a drunk a very heightened, "off" way. I wouldn't remember very simple things or what I said an hour before hand. I know that this may sound like drunk behavior but I sort of felt like I was losing my would happen even after one drink.

Can anyone relate or does anyone know if there is a term for this (aside from just being "drunk")?
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