Old 09-30-2011, 09:06 AM
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Belgian Sheepdog Adictee
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Whether the child has contact with the A or not does not seem to make a difference.

Personal example. My sister and I both grew up with the same parents, a heavy drinking possibly Alcoholic father and a Valium popping mother. There is addiction in both sides of the family.

I ended up an alcoholic/addict. My sister did not. She can actually go out with friends and take or leave having a glass of wine with the meal, rofl Go figure.

My mother's brother is an Alcoholic as was my Aunt. Their oldest daughter, is an A, sober now quite a while, their middle daughter has no problem with alcohol or drugs, and the youngest, a son, had a 'short' sprint in college where he over indulged. However, his oldest daughter is a heroin addict.

And I could go on and on of other actual families I have seen and worked with.

So, maybe instead of 'awfulizing' about 'the future' be the best EXAMPLE you can be for your child(ren) today, teach your child(ren) the best values you can, and ..................... the rest is up to the individual child.

Does the 'tendency' for addiction run in families? I believe there is something there. Researchers, looking in the 'gene string' call it the "X FACTOR", my oldest nephew, an MD that was specializing in treating the 'health problems of A's", has for the last 5 years gone into totally doing research on ............................... the 'unknown X factor of addiction.'


Love and hugs,
laurie6781 is offline