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Old 08-23-2011, 06:15 AM
  # 120 (permalink)  
WiggleIn's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 169
Yay! A sober morning is ammmmazing!

Chimp! That "freedom" you speak of.... seems more like a prison! What a whirlwind of emotions we go though.... wanting that "free" life to do as you please. But to me, a free life to do as you please would have to be a sober one. One cannot be free while intoxicated (in my opinion). FRESH AIR. Get yourself some! Whenever I get cranky from being cooped up in my house working (I work from home at night), along with husband troubles, teenage stepdaughter troubles, and all the responsibilities of keeping a home ---- getting outside and breathing that air does wonders for me. I have a chair that I sit in. I can go out there and just look at the sky, or I will usually read. I am really in no place to give advice right now, especially since a lot of my outdoor relaxing was WITH a drink, but in my attempt to stay sober, I still use that same method to relax and find it even more beneficial. Sometimes you just have to let your mind clear just a few minutes should do the trick, any longer and you won't want to go back in! Ha!

Instant - fabulous work on 100! What an accomplishment, can't wait until I am there

Pumpkin - thank you for reminding me, the "under the influence" book I almost forgot about! And I agree, getting sober in my 20's is going to benefit the rest of my life in so many ways. I am so glad to be working on this now.... very thankful I "woke up".

TP - great job beating that "whipper snapper" !

BlackBird - no need to apologize, you need to get that out. It is probably best to talk through these things. And what an a$$ (sorry) but saying he is going to start dating after everything he has already done... what is he trying to prove? Or make a point of? Glad you are not giving in (to him or the drink).

Well, got to get to work. I will be around though.
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