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Old 08-21-2004, 07:47 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: America the Beautiful
Posts: 11
Naltoexone thoughts?

Hi all,
I have been married to my AH for about 8 years but have known him for almost 25 years. In the back of my mind, I have always known that he has had a drinking problem but for the longest time I thought, he can control it and plus our social life is and has evolved around a "party"
Last year, I realized that something had to change, he was getting worse and worse, drank more and more. (now up to a case of beer a day) I started reading all I could and through all that I have learned that alcoholics have a disease and it doesn't get better with out help.
He knows he has a problem. Last year I finally got him to go to the doctor. He not only has the first sign of Liver disease but also diagnosed with indigenous (sp) depression. (malfunction in his brain, he was depressed as a child) Now, he is supposed to take Celexa and stop drinking. But has he? no. He was so much better when taking celexa, not so dark and didn't drink half as much. Now, he is out of medication and won't go back to the doctor. Big denile, don't you think?

He was especially bad today. He has crazy thoughts in his head, like I'm having an affair (Not!) and that I won't have sex (how can I, he's passed out most of the time) and plus he didn't want me to stay at the house and proceeded to lock me out while I was outside. (little did he know, I had prepared for this and had an extra key outside) Now, I'm upstairs and he is passed out ANd probably won't remember a thing except his mood will still be dark because of no celexa.
My gosh, I'm sorry about my rambling. I just have so much to say and am happy to just start typing my thoughts. Just to let you know too, that up until a few months ago, I would have been very upset about todays happenings but because of my readings I have finally learned to detatch. And it didnt' come suddenly. It was very strange. A few weeks ago after an "episode" I left the house because I had had it but after I left, I didn't cry, feel bad or anything I felt calm. I finally felt detatched. Like today. My stomach wasn't in knots, I didn't cry, I just said here we go again.

Okay, now to my question. During my reseach today I found a detox center that uses naltoexone. Which decreases the desire in the brain to drink alcohol. Has anyone had any experience in this drug? I am willing to do anything I can for my AH. And once he gets through this episode he will hopefully want to talk about it and agree to get help.
And me, I will keep coming back to this site cuz I like what y'all say.
Thanks for listening.
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