Thread: making a plan
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:18 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 40
making a plan

Morning all,

I am on day 5 (my first) and after having a horrendous week (probably really should have gone to the doctor). Anyway, I had my first real good (relatively) nights sleep last night I woke up feeling better than I have in god knows how many years. Now this is dangerous as it's a Friday so I knew it was time to make a plan. I contacted a good friend of mine who's husband has been battling alcoholism for years (he was hospitalised last month and told he only has 3 moths to live if he doesn't stop now, but the first thing he did when he got out was buy a bottle of whiskey!). I though I had been hiding my problem pretty well but she burst into tears and told me how happy she was that I was ready to stop. So she put me in touch with a senior member of AA here and she just gave me a call and we had a long talk, she is going to come round to my house when she finishes work this evening. She is also a South African ex-pat here so that made me feel more comfortable with her.
I then decided to tell my mum where I was, I just texted her because I have been so weepy and emotional today I though I would break down, I am still waiting for her to reply.
So I feel I am now better equipped to deal with Friday and think I might actually make it through to the Sunday AA meeting (my first and the only one held here).

Anyway, thanks to all you guys for getting me through my first 5 days, I couldn't have gotten to this stage without this site and all of you!!
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