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Old 06-27-2011, 10:06 AM
  # 34 (permalink)  
Terminally Unique
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by CarolD View Post
Please remember...SR is not a legal or medical site...some posts and those that quoted them have been removed.
We are not here for research.....we are a peer support site.

Please do share your experiences in how your recovery journy is working or ask for support.
I can understand your concern here, but research does help some people.

I know that in my case, learning about the acetaldehyde/MEOS pathway connection to ethanol addiction from James Milam's "Under The Influence," which was essentially a synthesis of available research into a coherent thesis, helped me to understand the "cucumber turned pickle" analogy.

It provided a very logical and sound explanation for why my body now reacts to alcohol the way that it does, and for why it will continue to react that way, regardless of what I do, even though this was not always the case.

It also provided a logical explanation for why I have this "problem," in spite of the fact that no one else in my family does, which leads me to doubt that I inherited it.
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