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Old 06-18-2011, 06:39 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 1,175
Buffalo66-update/Ive been MIA for awhile

HI, everyone!

I check in occassionally, but have mostly been just tending to the business of life, and now 6 yearold S is out of school, and I am juggling working catering and painting and whatnot...

My RAH has been/ is still living across town in an apartment, but soething sort of miraculous has occurred.

Some of you may remember that he got sober in rehab, after 12 years of severe active use, and still was dry drunk, cranky, cynical, paranoid, all the good stuff, LOL> for going on 9 months, next week.

I had suggested some supplements to him, a while back--heavy duty stuff, specific to his anxiety symptoms, and he was resistent.

A removed friend recently suggested the same stuff to him.
He took the advice, he takes a lrge dose of Magnesium-oxide with vitamin D and B complexes every day, 2x a day.
He started to see a nutritionist, who put him on a "paleo" diet. No sugar, mostly meats and vegetables.

Its been 3 1/2 weeks, and the change is incredible.

All that crappy cranky, weird, beset, ugly thinking has shifted.
Not only that, but, he can clearly identify that he was like that. and that it was like a prison to him.

there is virtually no paranoid, obsessive, controlling stuff, no panic attacks, no facial tics. Worst symptom is exhaustion.

I am still looking for sustained change, but, I can say that he is a completely different person in terms of communication, and dealing with him from the outside.

He feels that he has always had this brain chemistry imbalance and that his mind and body are just doing leaps in relief.
We are both aware that the supps may wear down, and then , HE CLAIMS, in that case that he will fill the script for psych med.

Just an update.
It is a scary and refreshing change. I feel myself feeling safe and having truly normal, non drama, non abusive interactions with him. I hope its not just an upswing in a mood cycle.

I have been doing a lot of my version of praying.
And most importantly: I KNOW this could not, would not have been able to come about at all if I had not really pushed and worked and held to my detachment work.

hope everyone is as well as can be.
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